I thought I would debrief on the devo today... mostly to let you know that you can't tune in live anymore, LOL! It was real good. The main theme through the whole thing was; It's totally awesome to be loving a God so merciful that He would set us apart for Himself and give us the great honor of singing His praises. Any way you look at it, us humans totally getting the better part of the deal! My favorite part was the last 30 minutes, just cuz it was a new vibe/style we haven't played before. Big time prop's to Kaeo again! He brought it! If you want to watch it...
CLICK HERE (Devo, 6pm, Sunday, Dec. 4)
Thanks for all of the texts from our friends who tuned in all over the world. We love you guys and we love it that you are in our lives.
Ok, I gotta catch some zzzz's. Aloha.
P.S. I have great news about the Little Songbirds EP, but I will save it for tomorrow. (sneaky sneaky)
P.S.S. I have more news about some other music we've done that will soon be available to you!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hey guys :o) We want you to join us. Tune in right now to the webstream at IHOP.
We are doing a 2 hour devo at IHOP from 6 to 8pm our time. We are literally leaving the house right now to get the kids situated and warm up before we transition onto the stage.
We are doing a 2 hour devo at IHOP from 6 to 8pm our time. We are literally leaving the house right now to get the kids situated and warm up before we transition onto the stage.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Okay so we didn't get in out on the 25th... ha ha ha! Who cares about Black Friday anyways? I was going to post a video about how the dog ate our album, but it turned out lame.
So here is the scoop...
We are receiving the tracks from the mix-down slower than we anticipated... but we have 2 songs completed and ready to go right now.
We are waiting for the last 3 songs, and we will have our EP. The website launch is slated for Saturday, December 10th. You will be able to buy and download the songs from our website on that day.
We will be having a couple listening luau's here in KC, where the attendees will be able to buy as many albums as they wish before we release it to everyone else. I will be posting information about those as the details get solidified. If you would like to be in on that, just let us know.
This last week, we did the special music at our church during the offering. Here is a little taste of what the EP is going to be like...
SNEAK PEEK... GO TO 1:01:00 thru 1:05:00
So here is the scoop...
We are receiving the tracks from the mix-down slower than we anticipated... but we have 2 songs completed and ready to go right now.
We are waiting for the last 3 songs, and we will have our EP. The website launch is slated for Saturday, December 10th. You will be able to buy and download the songs from our website on that day.
We will be having a couple listening luau's here in KC, where the attendees will be able to buy as many albums as they wish before we release it to everyone else. I will be posting information about those as the details get solidified. If you would like to be in on that, just let us know.
This last week, we did the special music at our church during the offering. Here is a little taste of what the EP is going to be like...
SNEAK PEEK... GO TO 1:01:00 thru 1:05:00
Sunday, November 20, 2011
3 Turkeys, Beef and an Underground Oven!!
Thanksgiving in Missouri... island style :o)
My husband and his friend Matt, another big island boy, decided to dig the oven in Matt's back yard. Making imu's was a very normal thing for my husband when he was growing up in the back woods of Hilo side. So early yesterday morning, the boys (ahem... I mean, men), convened to bring a little bit of Polynesia to the heartland of the USA... you should've seen the neighbors peering through the windows all day! Lol.
If you would like to see the video of the masterpiece imu, check it out right here at Kris Skeele's blog.
If you would like to see the video of the masterpiece imu, check it out right here at Kris Skeele's blog.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Raving Review from A Real Life Mommy -Marisol

Monday, November 7, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
VIDEO UPDATE! - Kids Album & Today's IHOP Devo
Yoyoyoyoyoyo! (the faster you say it, the funner it sounds :o) I am so excited! My friend Mari gave me a huge tip for blogging - VIDEO BLOG! So for those who don't have time to read my mini-books, watch this video. (btw, I am neither the world's greatest photographer or videographer, lol! So please excuse the poor lighting, fuzzy sound and blurry pics. I am doing the best I can just to remember to take the camera with me! Enjoy :o)
For those of who do have time :o) This morning we went to Paco's studio this morning and tracked the kids vocals for the EP. EP means a 4 to 5 song snapshot of the full length album (8 or more songs). It was three hours of recording mixed with mandatory play time on the swing set outside :o) How else do you keep six year old's focused for that long? I wanna say thanks to Kahi, Bella, Lei, Noah, Kristine, Kala'i, Alyssa, Zoe, Mana, Francis, Kamealoha, and Keala. You guys did such an awesome job today!
After finishing at the studio, we ran over to the House of Prayer and got ready for the devo. A little inside scoop... usually devo's are 2 hours long. That's a long time to play the guitar by yourself! But today it was only 1 hour, which is completely doable. I think I was so excited from recording that all I wanted to do was praise praise praise! So as soon as my ears could get adjusted to the sound on the stage, I started in on declaring God's goodness.
For those of you who are going to go back and watch it, make sure you watch till about minute 43. Side-Note - This is the fun part about our devo's... everything is spontaneous. We never have a song list. We go on stage with a bunch of songs we could do, but we let Holy Spirit steer us into whatever melodies, rhythms or phrases. At 43 minutes in, my husband motioned to our children and our friends (that had just spent the morning singing for the album, another Hawaiian family here in KC), up onto the stage!! The kids sang with us and it was SO sweet. The prayer room felt like a giant living room for the family of God to rejoice in our Father's love.
For those of who do have time :o) This morning we went to Paco's studio this morning and tracked the kids vocals for the EP. EP means a 4 to 5 song snapshot of the full length album (8 or more songs). It was three hours of recording mixed with mandatory play time on the swing set outside :o) How else do you keep six year old's focused for that long? I wanna say thanks to Kahi, Bella, Lei, Noah, Kristine, Kala'i, Alyssa, Zoe, Mana, Francis, Kamealoha, and Keala. You guys did such an awesome job today!
After finishing at the studio, we ran over to the House of Prayer and got ready for the devo. A little inside scoop... usually devo's are 2 hours long. That's a long time to play the guitar by yourself! But today it was only 1 hour, which is completely doable. I think I was so excited from recording that all I wanted to do was praise praise praise! So as soon as my ears could get adjusted to the sound on the stage, I started in on declaring God's goodness.
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Friday, November 4, 2011
The Pure Portrait Project - Steve Willis
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for more info CLICK HERE
For our friends in KC, this is a screamin' deal. Steve is a local and world renown photographer. He did the photography for the Nefarious Project and has worked on a number of weddings here and overseas. He does great work and he is a dear friend of our family. As you can see, we had a blast during our session :o) and I don't like being in front of camera's. Make sure you call ahead of time to make an appointment. Don't wait until last minute or else you might not get in. ($150 for 5 images, and if you wanna pay $50 more, you get all 25 images) See, I told you it was a deal!
Hey Friends and Family,
I have exciting news. For about fourteen years I have had a dream to record my music. At last, my dream is coming true :o)
I have never had the opportunity or funding to get into the studio and do the professional job that I have always dreamed of doing. I have had a lot of practice in studios on various different projects, but never a straight shot at a full length project of my own. When we moved to Kansas City almost 4 years ago, I hit the most sobering season of my life. I suddenly shifted out of a season of full-time ministry to the body of Christ and into ministry to my husband and children ONLY. You wanna talk shock! That's what I was in. Ministry career woman gone Betty homemaker, with almost no transition time.
To make matters more intense, we landed at IHOP-KC. In my mind I thought living here, around the prayer room atmosphere, would be like living on clouds and flinging glory dust all around. After all, we pray day and night here! It was the complete opposite. I spent my first year being rudely awakened out of my slumber as preacher, teacher, singer, worship leader, Sunday school teacher, you name it, told me the unadulterated TRUTH! The truth about God's character, His second coming and my identity...from the BIBLE.
I wish I could say that I was happy about all this stinging information, but I wasn't. I got angry. I felt duped. And I thought, "My kids are not going to have this problem!" So I would go to weekend services and listen intently, like a deaf person trying to make out words by reading lips. I remember how disoriented I was, but I kept on praying, "Lord, help me get this!"
It was at the exact time that I was being forced to learn how to be a stay at home mom and homemaker. I didn't have long hours alone to pine over concordances and notes. I had a 1, 3 and 4 year old who all were overdue for much needed mommy time. The first lesson: make a consistent time schedule for each day. So we started each day with worship. And right there, in that basement living room, my kids and I would write songs and little ditty's that would help them (and me) remember the TRUTH about who God is, His second coming, and their identity.
Although I was not the happiest clam in the sea, the melodies and rhythms that came were very uplifting. Many of the songs were started by something my kids were humming. Between nap times and meal times, while my children were being potty trained and learning to obey, we sang and danced, and I wrote all of the songs down. Those songs got us through some rough times.
During the year in that basement, I wrote 80 songs. Not all of them were kids songs. Our lives changed and we emerged from the basement leaning on Jesus more than ever :o) He started to transition my husband and I back into public ministry. As people heard us sing, the big question everyone asked was, "I love your music. Do you have a cd?" And every time the answer was a disappointed no. As the Lord honed us in to our calling as missionaries, and we joined a team at IHOP, I thought, "How is this ever going to happen?". We went from living on my husband's earned wages to trusting God to provide every single cent through people who heard God tell them to give to us. That's crazy!!!
But it worked, because we finally found what our whole family was made for. Fast forwarding to this year, 2011, the long winter of fruitlessness began to pass. We could feel our hearts thawing and a small hope start to live again. I would hear the Lord whisper to me, "Do this kids album first." I would be in discussions trying to strategize how to make the wisest move with the songs God had given us and I would hear Him whisper again, "Do the kids album first."
I finally laid all of my dreams down, and said yes. Soon after, the least expected thing happened... my husband and I got offered studio time with a trusted worship team member, Paco Arteaga, for free.
So for the next few weeks, I am going to blog the process. I am going to try my best to share what is happening with you daily, because it is SO exciting. Please stay tuned in. You might not believe some of the God stories as I post them, that's how awesome they are. As of now, the plan is for:
5 tracks,
on iTunes and hard copy,
Black Friday, Nov. 25th
the day after Thanksgiving
I have exciting news. For about fourteen years I have had a dream to record my music. At last, my dream is coming true :o)
I have never had the opportunity or funding to get into the studio and do the professional job that I have always dreamed of doing. I have had a lot of practice in studios on various different projects, but never a straight shot at a full length project of my own. When we moved to Kansas City almost 4 years ago, I hit the most sobering season of my life. I suddenly shifted out of a season of full-time ministry to the body of Christ and into ministry to my husband and children ONLY. You wanna talk shock! That's what I was in. Ministry career woman gone Betty homemaker, with almost no transition time.
To make matters more intense, we landed at IHOP-KC. In my mind I thought living here, around the prayer room atmosphere, would be like living on clouds and flinging glory dust all around. After all, we pray day and night here! It was the complete opposite. I spent my first year being rudely awakened out of my slumber as preacher, teacher, singer, worship leader, Sunday school teacher, you name it, told me the unadulterated TRUTH! The truth about God's character, His second coming and my identity...from the BIBLE.
I wish I could say that I was happy about all this stinging information, but I wasn't. I got angry. I felt duped. And I thought, "My kids are not going to have this problem!" So I would go to weekend services and listen intently, like a deaf person trying to make out words by reading lips. I remember how disoriented I was, but I kept on praying, "Lord, help me get this!"
It was at the exact time that I was being forced to learn how to be a stay at home mom and homemaker. I didn't have long hours alone to pine over concordances and notes. I had a 1, 3 and 4 year old who all were overdue for much needed mommy time. The first lesson: make a consistent time schedule for each day. So we started each day with worship. And right there, in that basement living room, my kids and I would write songs and little ditty's that would help them (and me) remember the TRUTH about who God is, His second coming, and their identity.
Although I was not the happiest clam in the sea, the melodies and rhythms that came were very uplifting. Many of the songs were started by something my kids were humming. Between nap times and meal times, while my children were being potty trained and learning to obey, we sang and danced, and I wrote all of the songs down. Those songs got us through some rough times.
During the year in that basement, I wrote 80 songs. Not all of them were kids songs. Our lives changed and we emerged from the basement leaning on Jesus more than ever :o) He started to transition my husband and I back into public ministry. As people heard us sing, the big question everyone asked was, "I love your music. Do you have a cd?" And every time the answer was a disappointed no. As the Lord honed us in to our calling as missionaries, and we joined a team at IHOP, I thought, "How is this ever going to happen?". We went from living on my husband's earned wages to trusting God to provide every single cent through people who heard God tell them to give to us. That's crazy!!!
But it worked, because we finally found what our whole family was made for. Fast forwarding to this year, 2011, the long winter of fruitlessness began to pass. We could feel our hearts thawing and a small hope start to live again. I would hear the Lord whisper to me, "Do this kids album first." I would be in discussions trying to strategize how to make the wisest move with the songs God had given us and I would hear Him whisper again, "Do the kids album first."
I finally laid all of my dreams down, and said yes. Soon after, the least expected thing happened... my husband and I got offered studio time with a trusted worship team member, Paco Arteaga, for free.
So for the next few weeks, I am going to blog the process. I am going to try my best to share what is happening with you daily, because it is SO exciting. Please stay tuned in. You might not believe some of the God stories as I post them, that's how awesome they are. As of now, the plan is for:
5 tracks,
on iTunes and hard copy,
Black Friday, Nov. 25th
the day after Thanksgiving
Our website will be up soon. Keep your eyes peeled!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Heads Up!! We Will Be Doing A Devo This Saturday!
This is to all the people who care :o) ... LOL!
Me and my hubby will be doing a devo this Saturday.
Saturday, November 5th, 2pm CST
Tune in by clicking on this button:
Then just click the play button and Voila! Instant worship action :o)
Please join us. It's gonna be good.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We're SO Hardcore! Rockin' an IHOP Chorus...In The Car!
My husband posted this on Facebook, and people loved it so much that I thought I would post it on my blog. You know when you are in the car, the music is blasting, the windows are down, and the wind is blowing in your hair, and you forget that you're NOT a rock star! This was one of those days. We decided to go hard core, as a family! We all started rapping some lyrics from a spontaneous IHOP chorus during an intercession set for Israel. Just in case you can't understand what we are saying, here are the lyrics... (my kids love this song! Way to go, Aaron Leatherdale!)
The rain is coming
The drought can't stand
I see a cloud the size of a man's hand
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Christmas in October? O YEAH!

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'Twas the night before Christmas... October 1st. |
On the evening of the 1st, my hubby and I set up the tree, and I cooked a Christmas turkey. Our Christmas dinner the next day was complete with turkey and gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes, cranberry jelly, chocolate peppermint mini-cakes and gifts to go around. Our kids thoroughly enjoyed it! We made a memory. It's something you gotta learn how to do when your kids are young... make little changes SUPER special. Little things like a can of whipped cream and a bag of peppermint sprinkles can help kids always remember that year when the had TWO Christmases.
So here are some pic's. Enjoy! And by the way, NO, I am NOT taking the tree down until January!
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My son got a Halloween costume/pajama set :o) So creative, aren't I? |
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Merry Christmas!! |
Old DEVO's At IHOP - Oldies, But Goldies
On this first one, I remember a tremendous healing anointing being poured out during worship and tons of HOPE came at the end.
Healing Devo at IHOP (2pm, Sat, Dec 18th)
This second one, we invited our friend Victor (who just recently got married, CONGRATS Victor) to play the djembe. It added such a great feel :o) It was so fun. Just an hour of sheer happy praise on Christmas Eve. Throw this devo on to take the holiday blues away.
Happy Devo at IHOP (2pm, Fri, Dec. 24th)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Mr. Island Wonder Goes To Africa (Summer 2011)
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Nelson Mandela - Apartheid Museum - South Africa |
We also came home to the opportunity of a lifetime. My sister and her husband are missionaries in Africa, and they extended an invitation for my hubby to go there. He would help with the work there and in exchange get some much needed dental work done. An added bonus was that my mother, also a missionary in Beira, was there at the same time. My husband just happens to be her #1 SON-IN-LAW! It made for a very enjoyable trip. Every time I called, they were laughing and enjoying one anothers' company.
So within one week, we decided that he was going... and he did! It was a life changing trip in many ways. If you ever feel stuck, you might need a change in perspective. A scene from the movie Soul Surfer comes to mind. In the movie, the youth group leader, Carrie Underwood, is showing the youth group a photo. She asks what they think it is, and the majority thinks it is a flower or fruit or something. But when she zooms out, it is actually the eyeball of a fly! Ewwww gross. Point made. She goes on to explain that sometimes you can be so "zoomed in" to a situation that you can lose perspective on what actually is going on. The discouragement that comes from that can be rinsed away by a fresh new view of the situation.
Africa was his zoom out. In America, we are being told how much we CANNOT do because of the economic situation in our nation. But he saw a people who have way less than we have in Africa, and they are still making it. They have roofs over their heads and food on their tables. Even in the most desperate of situations in Africa, business can thrive and God-plans can be made manifest. If God can do it for them, then what is limiting us from using all of the many resources set before us to surge forward into the things God has given us to do?
He came home with fresh fire and fresh hope... and a fresh new smile that is beautiful. :oD
Here are some pics from The Apartheid Museum in South, the orphanage he helped in, the market and churches where he and the team ministered.
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Markets in Moz |
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Most structures in Moz are made of concrete |

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Kids from the Orphanage |
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They played baseball for 3 hours one day! Batter's up! |
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The small fellowship that my Mom leads |
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Here is my mom praying :o) |
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Pastor Mario's Rockin' Church! |
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Nelson Mandela Apartheid Museum Pics |

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