It has been so fun to worship with a team again. It is one thing to sing at home with the guitar, or even perform our own music, but there is NOTHING in the world like praising Jesus with like-minded believers. Jon is a very humble, yet strong leader and we count it a privilege to be on his team. Here's a little clip where the team challenged me to step out on a limb, and by the spirit of prophecy, and totally impromptu, share my testimony about Jesus. I only heard the Lord say one phrase before I started. He said, "Sing about Sam". I had about 1 minute to think and then this is what came out! If you've lost a loved one recently, I pray that you would be encouraged.

(Thanks Moore's)AND after all of that... our supporters in Missouri and Africa sent their support in to the IHOP office and our rent was already covered when we got home from the trip!! Now that is what I call supernatural provision!


After leaving the retreat we went to a small church in Denver lead by Pastor Dan and Jenny Yeakly. We lead worship for this fiery church of hungry and aggressive forerunners. We felt right at home when we flowed in the prophetic. God gave us timely word about being rooted, grounded and established in His love. That was probably the most hilarious way we have ever preached the Song of Songs!!! It ended up being real powerful at the end and the oil of God's joy brought deep healing that night.
We had SO MUCH FUN visiting with people. It started with a hilarious breakfast at Sweet Tomatoes with Olivia and Betsey, then Uelese and Mana went to watch football with Jose and Sam while Olivia, me, Lei and Aloha had great girl time. The next day we spent the morning with Francis Dupuis and then headed up to Ft. Collins to hang with Ethan Labadie, Josh and Amy Horner and then stay the night with John and Sarah Moore. The next morning Sarah and I went to a cool restaurant for breakfast while Uelese took the kids to one of the many posh playgrounds in the city. Sarah and I had a great time talking (and shopping! Thanks Sarah and John!) Next stop was Loveland where we visited with Mark and Kyle Anne Lucks. Then we hung out with Zach Bumgardner, the Hilarious Hartwig Family, and jaunted over to hang with Kurt and Emily Chamberlain. We stayed the night in Greeley and awoke to drive down to Colorado Springs where we met up with Jerome and Hilda Bernard and lead a devotional set at the Colorado Springs House of Prayer. We stopped in Castle Rock to have dinner with John and Karen Blessing and then stayed the night in Denver. That last morning we visited Brian Albin at Starbucks where he works (what a convenient stop :o) We did one more service at TheHill at Resurrection Fellowship, the young adult ministry there in Loveland. We finished the trip with a sleep over at the Chamberlain house with the Faagutu's and the Bernard's and a yummy homemade breakfast. What a trip!
People really matter to God. Every single person matters. Every single relationship is a blessing and has purpose. We finished the trip with such gratitude in our hearts for connecting us to the people he has. The richness of our times together filled us up with so much joy! God works through relationship. The stronger our relationships are, the more God can do through our lives. You might wonder why we included so many names... it is to prove our point that life in God's kingdom is impossible outside of relationship. Each of the families mentioned above could have been casual acquaintances that faded in and our life, but they are not. Without these people and many others that were not mentioned, this trip would not have happened and our life as a missionary family would not exist...FOR REAL! Jesus is making this happen through all of us. It's not a one man show... it's a community of believers, loving Jesus, loving each other and reaching out to those who need His love.
Man, you guys are simply awesome, I'm learning so much from you guys, from your simplicity, your happiness, your love for God and things that envolve Him... God bless you sooo much! Hope sometime to have you guys here with us in Japan!
ReplyDeleteI was so glad to read about all that you guys have been doing in the past three years since I went to Vanuatu. I love to see the pictures and hear the testimonies. You guys are an inspiration. I only wish your trip to Denver was later so that I could've been around, too. But since you're still in KC, I'm so excited that I'll surely be able to see you and catch up soon. I plan to come for the One Thing Conference and then stay until the end of March. That's a lot of time to catch up! But since I've been gone for three years, I know we'll fill it up! I'll be sure to let you know when I arrive. Can't wait to see you!
ReplyDeleteNicole LeGrand
Thank you to all!!!TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
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ReplyDeletejust wanted to say that your muzik is SUCH a blessing to me
ur sets as just husband and wife in GPR r my absolute favorites cz you use the muzik from ur hawaiian to worship him.
this is kinda random but Kevin Butler a.k.a Doc said to ask u bout when ur gunna b fishing when i first stayed at his house in front of the lake
b blessed guys
i hope to meet you guys at onething
email me if u can sometime at