Friday, July 22, 2011

The End of A Career, The Beginning of Another (Feb 2011)

Dad and all his grand kids

Did I mention how nervous I was?
Dad's retirement party was the next of colorful events during our visit home.  As long as I can remember, my father has been hard at work.  But after February, he is done!  Well as far as his job working for the ROTC program.  He officially retired and we were there to celebrate his life of dedication and discipline.  My sisters and I gave little mini-speeches telling our stories about how dad has impacted our lives.  My youngest sister even YouTube'd a video in from Mozambique!  The evening turned out to be a beautiful collage of God's mercy displayed to our family.
Uelese and I honoring dad with an original song

My father has recently had a dramatic salvation experience.  Being back this time was like being with a whole new dad.  My dad chose to honor two people.  First, he praised my mother, his faithful wife of 40 years.  He openly testified that it was her love and prayers that kept our family together.  And finally, in the closing minutes of the gathering, my dad gave a clear and concise salvation message.  He urged everyone in attendance to cry out to Jesus for help because He's the only way to eternal life.  It was powerful!

Although my dad is finished with U.S. military life, his next career as a servant in the Lord's army is just beginning.  He has heard God's call to "go" into all the world and preach the gospel.  He will be joining my mom and sister in Africa to continue missions work there in the fall.  God is so faithful!

My father was on cloud nine... but we took mom to bed right after because she wasn't feeling well...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, just read this...6 months late :) Mahalos for all the Aloha!
